| Emi Rowse (Igusa)

Emi Rowse (Igusa) speaks at an event co-hosted by Japan Institute of Overseas Investment (JOI),  Atsumi & Sakai, ES Networks Co., Ltd and Kudun and Partners

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Emi Rowse (Igusa), partner and Head of Japan Practice at Kudun and Partners, spoke at an event co-hosted by Japan Institute of Overseas Investment (JOI),  Atsumi & Sakai, ES Networks Co., Ltd and Kudun and Partners on the topic of “Contract Practices and PMI Leading to Successful Cross-border M&A in South East Asia (with Dispute Resolution in mind)” on 24 April 2023. In addition to Emi, the speakers for the event were Mr Mitsuru Misawa of Atsumi & Sakai and Mr Shingo Kumagai of ES Networks.

The event covered the topical issues of:

    • cross-border M&A trends for Japanese companies in South East Asia
    • points to consider in drafting M&A contracts (including provisions to consider in share transfer and shareholder agreements and governing law/dispute resolution clauses)
    • issues regarding PMI in South East Asia
    • common issues for Japanese companies in SE Asian disputes and practical steps on what to do when a dispute arises

The event was very popular with over 150 companies attending including Japanese banks, accounting firms, trading companies and construction companies.