COVID-19: Our Support and Appreciation to Front Liners

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Our partner, Kudun Sukhumananda with a representative from King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a catastrophic impact on the world. The outbreak and the consequent disruption have affected the lives of many. Thailand is in a battle against COVID-19, where many have shown great courage and tenacity in this fight against the pandemic, especially the front liners.

As part of Kudun and Partners’ CSR initiative and pledge to continuously assist the community, we are helping people working on the front line in our fight against the virus. We have donated THB 125,000 to help hospitals purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) and equipment that are vital for patients to combat COVID-19.

Our partner, Ekachai Chotipitayasunon with representatives from the Ramathibodi Hospital.

Our partners, Kom Vachiravarakarn and Saravut Krailadsiri with representatives from the Police General Hospital.

Our partner, Niruch Winiyakul with a representative from Rajavithi Hospital.

Our partner, Saravut Krailadsiri with a representative from Thammasat University Hospital.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the sacrifices and contributions of the nation’s front liners working tirelessly around the clock to contain the virus from further escalating in the country.

A disease like COVID-19 threatens us all. We must unite to fight.

#staysafe #fightagainstcovid-19 #CSR