Kudun and Partners Promoting Life through Blood Donation as Part of Our July CSR Initiative

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Kudun and Partners has embarked on yet another impactful monthly initiative. With a vision to make a positive difference in society, the firm organised a collective effort to support the Thai Red Cross Society by participating in a blood donation drive.

On July 21, members of Kudun and Partners eagerly gathered at the Thai Red Cross Society’s donation center to contribute to the life-affirming cause, reinforcing the understanding of the importance of blood donation and its role in saving lives. The decision to conduct a blood donation drive not only reflects our desire to leave an indelible impact on the recipients and their families but also underscores our unwavering commitment to human welfare and the betterment of society.

Thai Red Cross Society:

The Thai Red Cross Society is a renowned humanitarian organisation that has been at the forefront of providing critical healthcare services to the people of Thailand. Established in 1893 by His Majesty King Chulalongkorn, the organisation has been dedicated to promoting health and well-being while actively engaging in various humanitarian initiatives.

Through its National Blood Centre, the Thai Red Cross Society has been instrumental in collecting, processing, and distributing donated blood to hospitals and medical facilities across the country. The organisation’s blood donation drives have saved countless and helped patients in dire need of blood transfusions.

The impactful blood donation drive was spearheaded by our senior associates, Koraphot Jirachocksubsin and Nattawut Cherdhirunkorn. The project champions played a pivotal role in organising and executing our successful initiative at the Thai Red Cross Society, reinforcing Kudun and Partners’ commitment to corporate and social responsibility and fostering a culture of giving back to society.

About Kudun and Partners Initiatives for Positive Social Impact

Kudun and Partners remains committed to contributing back to the community through our various CSR initiatives and provision of pro bono services. We understand that our responsibility goes beyond advising clients and it is imperative for us to help the communities to which we belong. We want to inspire not only our colleagues but also our clients and friends to make a difference.

Our CSR is mainly focused on the top UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are:

    1. No Poverty
    2. Zero Hunger
    3. Good Health and Well Being
    4. Quality Education

We are determined to help charitable organisations through pro bono services as we believe our knowledge and effort can make a difference for the society.

If you wish to know more about our firm’s CSR program, reach out to us at bdmc@kap.co.th