Kudun and Partners Renders Pro Bono Assistance to Baan Dek Foundation

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Kudun and Partners recently completed a pro bono project for Baan Dek Foundation on the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562 (2019) or PDPA that went into full force on June 1, 2022.

Baan Dek Foundation is a Thai-registered foundation with a mission to provide access to education, health and safety services for vulnerable children living in urban slums and construction site camps in Thailand. They experience limited access to essential services and their fundamental rights and are at high risk of neglect, abuse and exploitation. Today, the foundation supports over 1,500 vulnerable children in Thailand every year through complementary programs that provide sustainable support and life-saving access to education, health, and safety.

The pro bono project was led by partners of the firm; Kudun Sukhumananda and Saravut Krailadsiri with assistance from the data privacy and protection team members, Natthamol Dechpokked, Sirivipa Kittisubun, and Wilin Somya, who provided comprehensive assistance on the foundation’s PDPA compliance, including conducting in-depth due diligence and preparing gap analysis report, allowing us to provide essential documents for their PDPA implementation such as:

    • Privacy Policy
    • Privacy Notices
    • Consent Request Forms and Consent Withdrawal Forms
    • Records of Processing Activities (ROPA)
    • Data Subject Rights Request Form
    • Personal Data Breach Complaint Form
    • Data Processing Agreement
    • Vendor Assessment Questionnaire
    • Legitimate Interest Assessment
    • Data Protection Officer Service Agreement


Mr. Werapong Peansupap, Director of Public Relations and Human Resources of the Baan Dek Foundation remarked, “On behalf of the Management team and BDF staff, I would like to thank Kudun and Partners and express our sincere gratitude for supporting us in analyzing BDF documents and providing us with useful feedback to be in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act.”

He added, “We are deeply appreciative of your support. The BDF documents’ review that you have undertaken for us and Gap Analysis Report and the documents related to Data Protection that you’ve prepared will be immensely useful moving forward, especially in further developing our PDPA Policy and Data Protection Policy, and boosting our tools. We have learned a great deal and it’s been an invaluable experience for us all.”

About Kudun and Partners Initiatives for Positive Social Impact

Kudun and Partners remains committed to contributing back to the community through our various CSR initiatives and pro bono activities. We understand that our responsibility goes beyond advising clients and it is imperative for us to help the communities to which we belong. We want to inspire not only our colleagues but also our clients and friends to make a difference.

Our CSR is mainly focused on the top UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are:

1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well Being
4. Quality Education

Should any of you have any interest or ideas in CSR activities, please do not hesitate to reach out to the BDMC team.