Kudun and Partners provides advice on the first-ever Thai-language litigation manual to the Refugee Rights Litigation Project (RRPL) under the Peace Way Foundation

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Kudun and Partners is thrilled to work on another significant pro bono project with TrustLaw, Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono legal program.

The team, led by Chai Lertvittayachaikul, partner and co-head of the firm’s Projects and Energy Practice, and assisted by an associate, Nutthar Hongchutchaval, provided legal advice for the “Refugee Rights Litigation Project” under the Peace Way Foundation (PWF), a Thai non-profit organization founded in 2001 to assist vulnerable people such as migrants and refugees.

The RRLP is a group of pioneering Thai lawyers who seek to provide refugees in Thailand with practical legal advice and representation. The project is developing the first-ever Thai-language litigation manual for Thai lawyers on the issue of refugees and asylum seekers, which will be used to conduct training for Thai lawyers interested in working on refugee cases. Our team was entrusted with providing advice on a chapter related to the existing immigration and labor rules, specifically the Foreigners’ Working Management Emergency Decree 2017.

“We hope that with our advice, the Refugee Rights Litigation Project can proceed further allowing them to continue advocating for vulnerable people,” Chai Lertvittayachaikul said.

Kongkoch Yongsavasdikul, Kudun and Partners’ CSR committee chair remarked, “The collaborative effort between TrustLaw’s staff and the hundreds of lawyers who volunteer their time and expertise at no charge to aid the communities in need is indeed the heart and soul of the success of these pro-bono projects. We are grateful that we can continue to take a small part in contributing to the improvement of the world’s social and environmental conditions through the TrustLaw program.”

About Kudun and Partners CSR Initiatives

Kudun and Partners remains committed to contributing back to the community through our various CSR initiative. We understand that our responsibility goes beyond advising clients and it is imperative for us to help the communities to which we belong. We want to inspire not only our colleagues but also our clients and friends to make a difference. Our CSR is mainly focused on the top UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are:

    • No Poverty;
    • Zero Hunger;
    • Good Health and Well Being; and
    • Quality Education.

Should any of you have any interest or ideas in CSR activities, please do not hesitate to reach out to the BDMC team.

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